Offers, among other things, courses in local anesthesia for dogs and cats.
Salfarm has acquired the course company KirVet Kurser, which specializes in teaching vets and veterinary nurses in, among other things, local anesthesia for dogs and cats in particular.
– So far we have sponsored a number of courses, but now we have the opportunity to offer tailor-made courses for the veterinary industry ourselves, says Heidi Bjørn, who is Head of Marketing at Salfarm.
With the acquisition, Salfarm would like to utilize the synergistic effects of using its own in-house specialists to teach in an area in which the company has great expertise, while at the same time being able to attract skilled teachers from both at home and abroad.
Scandinavian focus
The courses will be a Scandinavian collaboration with Salfarm’s branches in Norway & Sweden. As something new, with the acquisition of KirVet, Salfarm can therefore have course participants from areas where, due to the distance, it has been more difficult in the past. The strategic focus around Scandinavia is thereby strengthened with the acquisition of KirVet and course participants across the countries have the opportunity for sparring and knowledge sharing.
High professionalism
Salfarm Danmark, domiciled in Kolding, is a Danish-owned company that has sold veterinary medicines, over-the-counter products and vaccination equipment for animals since 1979.
The Gørding company KirVet Kurser has held courses since 2018. The course company is known in the industry for courses with high professional content, which the course participants can take home directly in practice and use.
At the head of KirVet is Kirsten Vestergaard Petersen, who will continue to handle the future events. There are already two courses planned for autumn 2023
– I am pleased that Salfarm is taking over KirVet, and I can thereby ensure that courses with an emphasis on high professionalism are still offered, says Kirsten Vestergaard Petersen.
– KirVet is a strong supplement to the existing course providers with courses that help to ensure vets and veterinary nurses new knowledge that can be directly implemented for use at home in practice.